Join us to Learn about Positive Development!

On March 11 at 7:00pm I’m thrilled to be sharing a free webinar with the Florida team at Positive Development! We invite all parents to join us to learn about who we are, how we’re different, and why we’re positively awesome! Register in advance using THIS link.

In this informative talk, we will be sharing the new, groundbreaking approach: The Positive Way! Here are some highlights:

  • Based on over 50+ years of research in the fields of neuroscience, medicine, education, and psychology

  • Focus on building strong developmental foundations

  • Individualize intervention based on your child’s profile - looking at the sensory system, motor system, visual-spatial processing, personality, passions, and learning style

  • Use relationships as fuel for development

  • Behaviors addressed in the most meaningful way there is- we look at the WHY before anything else. Addressing what’s ‘underneath the iceberg’ is more effective and more respectful for the child.

  • Team-Approach! We have a very talented team of developmental specialists who work together to ensure we are fully meeting each child’s needs. Ongoing regular case review and collaboration leads to more effective treatment.

  • Parent Involvement is also a critical piece to our approach. Research shows the more parents are involved, the faster generalization occurs with other significant benefits.

  • At Positive Development, we offer parent training and coaching to ensure every family feels empowered to keep the effective interactions going throughout every single day!

Join us live to answer any and all questions you may have!

Jennie Trocchio